5 Lessons From South Park That Can Make You a Better Writer
South Park has been a very successful TV show from over a decade now. It was first aired in 1997 and both Matt Stone and Trey Parker have tossed a few lessons to provide some of the deep insights in the world of writing. Although, the writing and reading are now on a very different level, you can learn some of the most essential things from South Park.

Not Afraid To Take A Stand
Team up with the flock or be a devil’s advocate, if you take a stand, it will get people talking. You can browse over the internet to find many identical stories on different websites. They just all copy the same stuff or alter it a bit. South Park has a tip to be different here, it suggests that you should not be afraid to insult or offend someone. Pick any side and people will come to oppose or support you. However, it is not a no-brainer; you should actually have a stand supported with facts and your claim.
Controversy Sells
Now this one is an obvious point, in the world of TMZ, people love controversies. South Park has been notorious in this department too. They have talked about Tom Cruise, Paris Hilton, Arabs, and god know what but the main point is that they get people talking. People like to see how celebrities will react to something.
However, it is not advisable to continuously attack people or organizations. You should probably balance your writing by being a good boy sometimes.
Emphasize On Content
A writer’s basic need and motive are to write. You should be able to generate good content that people can relate or oppose to. Anyone who has an idea about South Park knows that for a movie, the story is far more important than the location of the shoot. Writers today are more interested in deciding the colour for their website or blog when they should concentrate on the content.
Add Your Touch
‘No idea is original’ as Lorde said it. There is so much data on the internet today that even if you write a unique article; it will somehow match to something by someone. With so many SOMES involved, it becomes very important to add your touch to the articles. A writer should not worry about the similarities of his article but rather should concentrate on making the content readable and debatable. At last, it is the quality that matters the most and attracts the users to come to your blog.
Readers Want To Believe
Another great tip from the South Park is that people want to believe whatever comes their way. Readers usually trust the information that they find online.
However, this should be used very carefully because if a reader loses faith in you as a writer then he may never come back to you. Being different is important but you should play this game very carefully, balancing between facts and fiction is important.