Ultimate Guide to Schengen Visa Photo Requirements
Explore our comprehensive guide to Schengen visa photo requirements, designed to simplify your visa application process. Understand specifications, head and face positions, background, lighting, and quality factors that influence the acceptability of your visa photo.

Ultimate Guide to Schengen Visa Photo Requirements
Navigating Schengen visa requirements can be daunting, but one element that can be simplified is the photo requirements. The correct photo is crucial in ensuring your application's success. Our guide will take you through each aspect of the Schengen visa photo requirements, ensuring that you're prepared for your application.
Understanding the Schengen Visa Photo Specifications
The photo you submit with your Schengen visa application is more than a formality. It's an essential part of the identification process, and the requirements set for these photos are meant to facilitate this process.
Standard Size of the Schengen Visa Photo
A Schengen visa photo should measure 35mm in width and 45mm in height. This size is comparable to a standard passport photo, ensuring a clear and discernible portrait of the applicant's face.
Clear and Recent Photos
The photo submitted must be recent, ideally taken within the last six months. It must portray your current appearance to provide accurate identification.
Photo Quality
Your photo should be high-resolution, with a minimum of 600 dpi. Lower-resolution photos can result in blurred or pixelated images, which could affect your visa application process.
Head and Face Position in the Photo
The position of your head and face in the photo can influence its acceptability for a Schengen visa. The following requirements ensure that your face is visible and identifiable.
Full Frontal View
Your face should be captured in a full frontal view, facing the camera directly. The full face, from the top of the head to the chin, must be visible without shadows or glare.
Neutral Facial Expression
Your facial expression should be neutral, with both eyes open and clearly visible. No smiles frowns, or raised eyebrows are permitted.
Head Coverings and Glasses
Generally, head coverings are not allowed unless they are worn for religious reasons. Even in such cases, the face from forehead to chin should be fully visible. Glasses are permitted if they don't cause glare or shadows and don't obscure the eyes.
Background and Lighting
The background and lighting of your photoplay an essential role in ensuring your face is clearly visible and identifiable.
Light-Colored Background
A plain, light-colored background is ideal for your Schengen visa photo. Avoid patterned or dark backgrounds that may cause a stark contrast or shadow.
Even Lighting
Your face should be evenly lit, with no shadows or glare. Both sides of your face should be equally visible and clearly identifiable.
Photo Composition and Quality
Lastly, your photo's overall composition and quality will influence its acceptability for a Schengen visa.
High-Quality Paper
Printed photos should be produced on high-quality photo paper. Ensure that the picture is in color and has a high print quality.
No Alterations
The photo must not have any alterations or filters applied. Any sign of photo manipulation can result in rejecting your visa application.
Digital Format
If you're submitting a digital photo, it must be in a JPEG or PNG format with a file size between 20 KB and 3 MB.
In conclusion, understanding and following the Schengen visa photo requirements can significantly influence your application's success. Ensure your photo meets the standards to ensure your visa application process runs smoothly.