Namaz Timing in Karachi - Find Out the Current Prayer Times for this City
Get the current namaz times for Karachi on our dedicated page. We provide accurate and up-to-date prayer times for this city, as well as additional information about the importance of punctuality and proper etiquette when performing namaz.
Welcome to our page on namaz timing in Karachi! On this page, you will find the current namaz times for Karachi, as well as some additional information about the namaz times in this city.
The namaz times in Karachi are determined by the position of the sun in the sky and the location of the city. The namaz times change throughout the year as the sun's position changes.
There are five daily namaz prayers in Islam: Fajr, Zuhr, Asr, Maghrib, and Isha. The times for each of these prayers vary depending on the location and the time of year.
To find the current namaz times for Karachi, you can use one of the many online namaz time calculators or apps that are available. These calculators use the location of Karachi and the current date and time to calculate the namaz times.
Today Prayer Time (Namaz Timing) in Karachi For Muslims
Namaz Timing in Karachi, Pakistan Today
This page discusses the timings for the five daily prayers (namaz) in Karachi, Pakistan. It provides details on the Fajr, Dhuhr, Asr, Maghrib, and Isha prayer timings, which vary throughout the year. It is important for Muslims to be aware of these timings to ensure that they perform their prayers at the correct time.
Today's Prayer Time in Karachi
Prayer | Time |
Fajr | |
Sunrise | |
Dhuhr | |
Asr | |
Maghrib | |
Isha |
It is important to note that the namaz times in Karachi may also be affected by local factors such as daylight saving time and other time adjustments. It is always a good idea to double-check the namaz times using a reliable source.
We hope this information is helpful for you. If you have any questions or suggestions, please don't hesitate to let us know. Thank you for visiting our page on namaz timing in Karachi!
In addition to the basic information about namaz timing in Karachi, here are some additional points to consider:
Importance of punctuality: It is very important to be punctual when it comes to namaz. Muslims are encouraged to perform their namaz prayers at the prescribed times, as this is one of the fundamental obligations of their faith.
Adhan: The adhan is the call to prayer that is made from the minarets of mosques. The adhan announces the start of each namaz prayer and serves as a reminder for Muslims to prepare for their prayers.
Location: Namaz can be performed anywhere, as long as the place is clean and free from distractions. However, it is recommended to perform namaz in a mosque, as the mosque provides a peaceful and communal setting for prayer.
Etiquette: There are certain etiquette guidelines that should be followed when performing namaz. These include covering one's head, facing the direction of the Kaaba in Mecca, and reciting certain verses from the Quran.
Namaz Timing in Karachi March 2023
Namaz or Salah is one of the most important practices in Islam. It is an act of worship that is performed five times a day. As a Muslim, it is important to know the exact timings of each of the five daily prayers. In this article, we will discuss the timings of Namaz in Karachi, one of the largest cities in Pakistan.
Fajr Prayer Timing in Karachi:
Fajr prayer is the first prayer of the day and is performed before sunrise. In Karachi, the time for Fajr prayer varies throughout the year. During the winter months, the Fajr prayer time starts at around 5:30 am and ends at around 6:00 am. During the summer months, the Fajr prayer time starts at around 4:30 am and ends at around 5:00 am.
Dhuhr Prayer Timing in Karachi:
Dhuhr prayer is performed after the sun has passed its zenith, i.e. after midday. In Karachi, the Dhuhr prayer time starts at around 12:30 pm and ends at around 1:30 pm throughout the year.
Asr Prayer Timing in Karachi:
Asr prayer is performed in the afternoon, after the Dhuhr prayer. In Karachi, the time for Asr prayer varies throughout the year. During the winter months, the Asr prayer time starts at around 3:30 pm and ends at around 4:00 pm. During the summer months, the Asr prayer time starts at around 4:30 pm and ends at around 5:00 pm.
Maghrib Prayer Timing in Karachi:
Maghrib prayer is performed just after sunset. In Karachi, the time for Maghrib prayer varies throughout the year. During the winter months, the Maghrib prayer time starts at around 6:00 pm and ends at around 6:30 pm. During the summer months, the Maghrib prayer time starts at around 7:00 pm and ends at around 7:30 pm.
Isha Prayer Timing in Karachi:
Isha prayer is the final prayer of the day and is performed after the Maghrib prayer. In Karachi, the time for Isha prayer varies throughout the year. During the winter months, the Isha prayer time starts at around 7:30 pm and ends at around 8:00 pm. During the summer months, the Isha prayer time starts at around 8:30 pm and ends at around 9:00 pm.
In conclusion, it is important for Muslims in Karachi to know the exact timings of each of the five daily prayers. The timings for each of the prayers vary throughout the year, and it is important to keep track of the changes in order to perform the prayers at the correct time. It is also important to note that the timings for the prayers are different in different cities and countries, so it is important to know the specific timings for the city you are in. May Allah (SWT) guide us all to perform our prayers at their correct time and accept our prayers.
We hope this additional information is helpful for you. If you have any questions or concerns about namaz timing in Karachi, please don't hesitate to reach out to us. We are always happy to help.